Hydro thunder game

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As you put the disc in, the title would quickly load up and screamed the name of the game you knew you were in for a treat. The year is roughly 2000 and I owned a PS1 and got a bunch of games to play on the system, including a fair few racers, which stick with me today, examples like the Original WipEout trilogy (which influences my love of graphic design to this day), Gran Turismo (the only simulation racing series i actually like) and Rapid Racer (a fun little Sony first party oddity that ran at 60fps on the PS1!) but among them was the real gem one of the racers that stood out to me even from the surprisingly basic coverart. I understand that arcade racers are a very niche subject in today's gaming climate, so i dont expect many responses, but there was a time when they were everywhere and a select few were leagues above the rest.

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This is my first thread on Era since i joined here since it began sooo.